Managing risk is fundamentally about frameworks, processes and programs.
• We have the frameworks. AltAProM’s approach is ISO 31000 compliant and covers each key risk area including the definition and analysis of both the internal and external context within which the risks arise. Risk Tolerability and materiality criteria are developed or reviewed based on both generic and customised risk sources and risk types. Range analysis with probability and consequence modelling is also carried out in accordance with specific criteria. Scenario Analysis and Systemic risk assessment as well as continuous improvement initiatives can also be added to the scope as necessary. |
The current state is then compared to the desired state and risk management plans are developed to bridge the gaps accordingly.
We offer periodic review of risk control adequacy, effectiveness and efficiency How does your risk management measure-up? Is it really managing your risks or is it merely ticking boxes.. If it is merely window dressing you should take our offer seriously.
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