A Project is the means by which Value is created
Value is
“As you sow so shall you reap” Like in so many sports. It is all about the start. Start badly and you mostly end badly. Start with inadequate definition and you will end up with an inadequate project. Skip steps at the start in order to save costs and you will pay handsomely at the end and for a long time afterwards. The project arena is littered with examples of poorly performing projects. Will yours be yet one more? |
Do something different. Consider our Alternative Approach. After all doing the same thing and expecting a different result is lunacy. Is it not? We believe that successful teams do successful projects. Successful Teams are well governed teams and Well governed teams are guided by experienced independent oversight. Ask us for more information HISTORY AltAProM International was originally formed in 1984 as Pregelj Process Engineers (Aust.) Pty. Ltd. and provided process engineering, consulting and project development services to clients in oil and gas processing, water and waste water treatment, minerals processing and chemicals manufacturing In 2005 we began developing systems for early opportunity identification and managing project portfolios In 2007 our focus moved to feasibility studies in mining and energy projects In 2012 we recognised common deficiencies in project set-up and delivery and expanded systems and tools to support owners and technology developers in the crucial early project phases AltAProM now has over 150 systems and tools covering all facets of Project Feasibility, Bankability and Delivery WE ARE DIFFERENT Our experience is that Owners and particularly First of a Kind Technology Developers are focused primarily on developing their technology and funding that development. They therefore understandably often do not have the experience to deliver complex projects. So historically they have relied on their EPC/ EPCM Providers. However EPCM companies are mainly engineers with added procurement and less added construction management capabilities. Hence their primary focus and understanding is engineering. Similarly EPC companies are primarily constructors who have strong procurement capabilities particularly in bulk materials but to them engineering is largely a foreign language. Hence their primary focus and understanding is construction. On the other hand we have designed and engineered plants and systems; carried out complex procurement and provided construction oversight so we understand each element of the project value chain. We believe that the best result is obtained from taking the best skill set from the best companies and integrating them. Consequently we have chosen to be the Integrators to obtain the best overall value for the Project Owner. So now there is an alternative – AltAProM. • We have the knowledge. AltAProM supports project Owners and Developers during Project Feasibility, Bankability and Delivery in order to ensure that the right amount of work is done at the right time and in the right way. This maximises your value not just in engineering but across the entire project value chain. Take control of your projects. Don’t leave it to your Feasibility Study or EPC or EPCM Providers and your Execution Contactors and expect them to fill every shoe. We find that they often do not understand your business just like you often don’t understand how they work. It takes someone like AltAProM who is independent and has worked on both sides of the fence to bridge that gap. Get your advice independently. We are independent. We will empower you Ask us how |